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See Elephants in Their Natural Habitat: Here's Where

Posted on Thursday, 4 April 2019

Elephants: these huge, lumbering, mostly-peaceful beasts are a delight to behold. And while viewing them in a zoo is a treat, it's nothing compared to seeing them in the wild - where they are free to raise their young and graze, (generally) without human interference.

Here are some of the best places to see elephants:

Hwange National Park, Zimbabwe

With a population of around 46,000 elephants, Hwange is home to one of the world's most successful herds. Indeed, there are concerns that the land cannot cope with many more. However, let's not dwell on the ramifications of that just yet...

Right now, Hwange is a fantastic place to see elephants, with the best chance of viewing to be had between July and October - dry season. You'll also get to see one of the largest populations of wild dogs in Africa, as well as many different bird species - of which there are said to be more than 400.

Oh yes, and don't forget to visit the astonishing Victoria Falls, not far away.

Chobe National Park, Botswana

Want to see the largest elephant population in Africa? Then head to Chobe National Park in Botswana, where you're virtually assured of seeing lots and lots of elephants. Indeed, up to 60,000 graze here.

Head here between June and November (dry season) and glimpse these majestic beasts by the river, which they sometimes cross to seek out new grazing areas. Boat safaris provide plenty of opportunities to get up close with these miraculous creatures - and bag some amazing Insta' snaps.

In Chobe you'll also see large buffalo herds, together with giraffes, zebras and wildebeest. These are all herbivores, of course, but you may well see some meat-eaters too: leopards, wild dogs and, you guessed it, lions.

Nkhotakota Wildlife Reserve, Malawi

Around 500 elephants comprise this hugely successful conservation project, which is supported by Prince Harry, among others. The scheme is ongoing and around 1,500 other beasts are being drafted in to live with the elephants.

Elephants are being moved in from other parks in Malawi, including Majete National Park - the only place you'll see the Big Five in Malawi and well worth a visit while you're here.

Elephant Nature Park, Thailand

Fancy combining a trip to Thailand with getting up close with some elephants? Then the Elephant Nature Park, in Chiang Mai, is the place to go. However, with riding elephants increasingly viewed as at least somewhat exploitative, you won't be able to mount any of these beasts.

The Nature Park, located in lush Thai jungle, aims to show how elephants can be cared for (and funded) through sustainable tourism - of a kind that does not harm or upset the animals. Many elephants living here have been rescued from camps and circuses. You can play with and bathe these individuals, which now number more than 35.

Sayaboury Elephant Conservation Centre, Laos

If the Elephant Nature Park in Thailand doesn't give you enough of an 'elephant fix', why not travel east into Laos, where a group of elephants are given care and veterinary attention. Locals are employed as mahouts at the Sayaboury Elephant Conservation Centre (ECC), home to retired elephants.

The ECC is an elephant success story, but sadly the bigger picture in Laos is less positive. There are only around 300-400 wild elephants left, a figure expected to fall to zero by 2060. By visiting the ECC you're supporting a project that demonstrates the many positives of elephant conservation - for locals, tourists, and of course, the elephants themselves!

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