TUI Agrees Pay Out After Island Escape Cruise Ship Illnesses

Posted on Thursday, 1 May 2014

A journey on a cruise ship is one of the most luxurious ways to experience a holiday in the sun. And for the vast majority of people undertaking such a trip, the resulting memories are very pleasant indeed.

But things do sometimes go wrong, as was the allegedly the case for 100 passengers who sailed on the cruise ship Island Escape between December of 2009 and June 2010.

They allege that they fell ill whilst on board the luxurious ship, putting pressure on Sunshine Cruises Limited, Thomson and First Choice Holidays & Flights Limited to make amends.

But while those firms have denied liability, holiday giant TUI has agreed to pay a six-figure sum to passengers affected by illness while on board the ship – that's according to travel lawyers at Irwin Mitchell.

It is thought that each passenger could receive up to £10,000 each.

A report on the detailed one particular mother and daughter's gastric symptoms resulting from conditions on board. They spoke of blocked toilets, dirty cabins and food not being served at the right temperature. The mother had planned to celebrate her 75th birthday whilst on board.

A travel law expert at law firm Irwin Mitchell described how passengers experienced serious physical problems, including vomiting, diarrhoea and lethargy.

While the TUI settlement may mark the start of further pay-outs from other holiday firms, the industry remains highly lucrative. According to, over six million Europeans took a cruise in 2013, in a sector that has seen growth of 43% since 2008 – that's despite the economic crisis that followed.

And Britons love cruises more than any other European nation, accounting for 27% of traffic in 2013. 1,726,000 Brits took to the seas last year, and further growth is expected.

As with any type of break, holiday makers on cruise ships may face such problems as thefts – both ashore and on board – loss of baggage, experience trip cancellations, or fall ill. Annual travel insurance can provide peace of mind that if any of these events do occur – along with a number of others – help is always at hand.

Thankfully the experiences on board the Island Escape are not indicative of the vast majority of cruises departing the UK - and this summer is expected to be a bumper year for operators.

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